
Formed in 2015, we are a nonprofit corporation operating as a Section 501(c)(3) for the benefit and support of the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc. in its mission to improve the lives of seniors in Wood County, Ohio.

What is the purpose of the Friends Fund?

The original fund was established in 1981 to receive donations to be used for special projects and capital improvements for the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc.

The Fund is overseen by a Board responsible for making investment decisions with professional advice. Only the Board of the Friends of WCCOA, Inc. may make decisions to expend funds. The Board is diverse, representing communities throughout Wood County.

One hundred percent of your contributions will be used to support programs and services for older adults throughout Wood County.

Treasure the past ~ Assure the future

Won’t you please consider making a contribution today to assure the future for Wood County’s older adults?

If you would like information on how to include the Friends of Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc. in your estate plans, contact the Friends at 419.353.5661.

How may a person donate to the Fund?

Contributions may be made as a memorial to someone, in honor of a person, to celebrate a happy occasion, or as a donation for the future of older adults. Any amount is appreciated.

All contributions are acknowledged by a letter of receipt to the donor. The names of honorees and donors are listed in the WCCOA’s newsletter.

Contributions to the Friends of WCCOA, Inc. are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Our address is:
Friends of WCCOA, Inc.
140 South Grove Street
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Phone 419.353.5661